Researcher Information
Background information
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Faculty / division
Research field
Research keywords
Research interests
Courses taught
Committee work, etc.
Educational activities
Teaching Experience
Professional development activities
Other activities
Research activities
Published papers
Other publications, etc.
Conference Activities (Oral / poster presentations)
Artistic activities, etc.
Internal research grants
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Other grants
Research cooperation among industry, academia and government
Other activities
Academic society affiliations
Community engagement
Public committees, etc.
Private sector activities
Public work (education)
Lecturer (community outreach)
International exchange activities
Other activities
Awards & honors
Media activities
Special reports
Basic information
Belonging department
国際文化学部 国際文化学科
Occupation name
Background information
Basic information (more)
Faculty / division
Faculty of Intercultural Studies Department of Intercultural Studies/Associate professor
Research field
Research keywords
Research interests
Courses taught
[その他] 情報の「正しい」取り扱い方
[その他] SNSで繋がりたい・繋がりたくない
Committee work, etc.
Educational activities
Teaching Experience
情報と社会, 科学と社会, 生命と倫理, コンピュータ・リテラシー
Professional development activities
平成25年度下半期全学FD 2014/3/14
Office365のインストール説明会 2019/04
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学内情報システム活用FD 2018/03
情報セキュリティについて 2019/09/12
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Other activities
Research activities
情報倫理入門 2014/10
LibreOfficeで学ぶ情報リテラシー 2016/05
上山満之進と陳澄波 2017/03
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アジアの粋生きエイジング 2019/03
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Published papers
学修時間の確保に関する教員の意識調査 2013/03 .
学期末授業評価の分析 2010/03 .
情報化時代のプライバシ概念の再構成 2010/03 .
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ICTを活用した多主体間の長寿文化共有のためのシステム構築 2016/03 .
Comparison of Effects of South Korean and Japanese Young People's Experiences of Contact with Elderly People on Generation of Impressions Regarding Elderly People/2018/02/.
How People Change their Beliefs Based on Information Received/2017/02/.
Comparison of Korean and Japanese university students' perceptions of elderly people/2017/02/.
CMCにおいて意図を伝達できるルールの作成 2016/07 .
高齢者の、高齢者からのデジタルデバイド 2018/11 .
倫理的なキャンパスネットワークの設計 2019/03 .
死なれてしまった人のプライバシー 2022/06 .
Exploring Additional Ways to Improve the Effectiveness of an Online Learning Program for TOEC/2022/03/.
プライバシーに配慮したオンライン講義 2022/03 .
Teacher, Artist, and Politician: Chen Cheng-po's Vocations as Hinted in His Notebooks/2022/03/.
大学初年次生における情報リテラシーの経年の変化 2021/11 .
管理栄養士課程4年生に応用力を身につけさせるための科目横断的な自学自修教材の検討 2021/06 [査読有り]
Investigating the Effectiveness of Measures to Improve TOEIC Scores at Yamaguchi Prefectural University/2020/.
異文化理解の基礎としての分析能力 2020 .
Privacy of retirees/2019/12/.
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Other publications, etc.
「山口と台湾を結ぶ道を拓く」 2019/03
Enhancing the Effectiveness of an Online Study Program to Improve TOEIC Scores/2021
Conference Activities (Oral / poster presentations)
ネットワーク中立性は誰がしたがう義務か 情報倫理学研究 2014/09/04
University Students' Perceptions of Aging in Korea, Thailand, Singapore, and Japan/2018/09/08
陳澄波が学んだ日本と西洋思想 2017/07/08
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高齢者イメージにみるステレオタイプとそれを揺さぶる情報源 ―日韓の大学生が抱くステレオタイプのバリエーション― 2017/06/16
CMCにおいて意図を伝達できるルールの作成 2016/07/14
高齢者の、高齢者からのデジタルデバイド 2018/11/04
30代の東京美術大学講義録 上山満之進の精神をいかに現代に活かすか 2016/12
「上関(かみのせき)原発」の建設が問題とされている地で 2019/10
大学初年次生における情報リテラシーとPCの使用開始時期との関係 2019/11
COLLEGE STUDENTS' PERCEPTIONS ON AGING IN S. KOREA, THAILAND, SINGAPORE AND JAPAN/11th International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics Asia/Oceania Regional Congress/2019/10
OpenOfficeで実現可能なコンピュータリテラシ 情報教育研究集会 2006/11/24
死なれてしまった人のプライバシー 2022/06
大学初年次生における情報リテラシーの経年の変化 2021/11
Privacy of retirees/2019/12/6
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Artistic activities, etc.
Internal research grants
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Other grants
Research cooperation among industry, academia and government
Other activities
Academic society affiliations
Community engagement
Public committees, etc.
Private sector activities
Public work (education)
Lecturer (community outreach)
International exchange activities
Other activities
Awards & honors
Media activities
Special reports