Recently, it is increased that sexual-minority is taken up by news and a TV program compared with before recently. But it is supposed if there are still many uncertainty and vagueness of the knowledge for sexual-minority. Therefore, in this study, it examined the transformation of the image for the male homosexual to attend the lecture by the person concerned. Participants were the university students in A prefecture, teaching staffs member on campus and health center staffs of the university. The participation in the lecture was free will. The manner of the correspondence to a homosexual andthe life review by 2 persons concerned was a center for the construction of the lecture. First, as a result of having performed the factor analysis of the image scale about the homosexuality, 3 factors of "dangerousness" "familiarity" "happiness" were extracted. In the comparison before and after the lecture participation, the dangerousness decreased and the familiarity and the happiness increased in all participants after the lecture participation. In addition, from the free description that how learning in the lecture could be utilized in future, two following opinions were founded, for example. 1)Understanding of sexual diversity and appropriate correspondence to a homosexual : "It could be admitted that the individuality and the sexuality are various", "It's possible to respect a homosexual and to meet by the sympathetic attitude." 2)The attitude that promotes the appropriate understanding about the homosexuality for others and society : "How to concern to a homosexual and understanding are told to my friend and others.", "The will to social enlightenment activity for sexual-minority understanding.".