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Research activities
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AZETSU Tadahiro
Belonging department
国際文化学部 文化創造学科
Occupation name
Background information
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Faculty / division
Faculty of Intercultural Studies Department of Culture and Creative Arts/Professor
Research field
Perceptual information processing
Research keywords
Research interests
Courses taught
[その他] パソコンを用いたデータ処理
[その他] 音声・画像の特性を利用した信号処理
Committee work, etc.
Educational activities
Teaching Experience
Professional development activities
平成25年度下半期全学FD 2014/3/14
Other activities
Research activities
Lively Aging アジアの粋・生きエイジング 2019/03
LibreOffice で学ぶ情報リテラシー 2016/05
自己組織化マップとそのツール 2008/12
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OpenOffice.orgで学ぶコンピュータリテラシー 2006/04
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Published papers
Image enhancement for dichromatic vision by geometric approach in RGB color space/2024/10/[Refereed]
Application of image processing to old photographs/2023/03/.
Color image enhancement focused on limited hues/2022/11/[Refereed]
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An Attempt of Preparation of Teaching Materials to Utilize NDB Open Data/2022/03/.
Study of factors related to mortality rate -Analysis using NDB open data-/2022/03/.
Study of factors related to healthy life expectancy using real world data/2022/03/.
Real World Data in Epidemiological Study/2022/03/.
Examination of an educational program for beginners combining role-playing of nutritional counseling/2021/12/[Refereed]
A study of self-study and cross-subject materials for teaching practical skills of Nutrition to fourth-year students in the Department of Nutrition/2021/06/[Refereed]
Chroma Enhancement in CIELAB Color Space Using a Lookup Table/2021/05/[Refereed]
Image enhancement with lightness correction and image sharpening based on characteristics of vision for elderly persons/2020/06/[Refereed]
Investigating the Effectiveness of Measures to Improve TOEIC Scores at Yamaguchi Prefectural University 2020/03 .
栄養教育論実習のロールプレイによる学修成果の検討~ロールプレイ後のWeb視聴による可視化の試み 2019/06 [査読有り]
Hue‑preserving image enhancement in CIELAB color space considering color gamut/2019/03/[Refereed]
Survey on food preference for Japanese food, Western food, and Chinese food among local area elderly/2019/03/[Refereed]
University students’ perceptions of aging in S. Korea, Thailand, Singapore and Japan/2019/02/.
Comparison of Effects of South Korean and Japanese
Young People's Experiences of Contact with Elderly People
on Generation of Impressions Regarding Elderly People
Lightness and chroma enhancement for food images considering Helmholtz– Kohlrausch effect/2017/06/[Refereed]
Comparison of Korean and Japanese university students' perceptions of elderly people/2017/02/.
情報の取得による高齢者イメージの変化について 2017/02 .
Improvement in appearance of colors for elderly persons using lightness transform/2016/11/[Refereed]
Color transfer method preserving perceived lightness/2016/05/[Refereed]
栄養学科実験科目の一授業で導入された グループ学習とeラーニングの有効性と問題点 2016/03 .
ICTを活用した多主体間の長寿文化共有のためのシステム構築 2016/03 .
Coronary plaque characterization of considering continuity of tissue by sparse modeling of 2D IVUS signal/2016/03/[Refereed]
Food image enhancement by adjusting intensity and saturation in RGB color space/2015/11/[Refereed]
Application of subspace method and sparse coding to tissue characterization of coronary plaque for high-speed classification/2015/09/[Refereed]
批判的思考態度を育むためのグループ討論を用いた日本語ライティング授業の実践 2014/12 [査読有り]
RGB色空間における色相を保持した彩度調整によるカラー画像強調 2014/11 [査読有り]
Robust bilateral filter using switching median filter/2013/11/[Refereed]
複数教員によるレポート評価のためのルーブリック形式の評価表導入に関する検証 2012/12 [査読有り]
データ・テキストマイニングを用いた初年次教育の試行的効果測定 2011/05 [査読有り]
施設高齢者の安静時エネルギー消費量実測と推定式の考案 2010/11 [査読有り]
Tissue characterisation of coronary plaques using sparse feature vectors/2010/04/[Refereed]
学期末授業評価の分析 2010/03 .
片耳装着型骨導マイク音声の自己組織化マップによる音質改善と対話型舶用機関運転支援システムへの応用可能性の検討 2009/07 [査読有り]
A Self-Organizing Map with twin units capable of describing a nonlinear input-output relation applied to speech code vector mapping/2007/11/[Refereed]
Speech extraction of a target speaker from one mixed speech signal/2007/06/[Refereed]
Blind separation and sound localization by using frequency-domain ICA/2007/01/[Refereed]
High performance hybrid-ICA to increase convergence speed and accuracy with use of RBF network/2006/11/[Refereed]
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Other publications, etc.
Conference Activities (Oral / poster presentations)
Color image enhancement limited to target hue/2021/12/11
Secular changes in information literacy for first-year university students
/IPSJ SIG Technical Report, Vol.2021-CE-162, No.21, pp.1-7/2021/12/05
The relationship between information literacy and the period of beginning PC use for first-year university students/IPSJ SIG Technical Report, Vol.2019-CE-152, No.8, pp.1-7/2019/11/16
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College students' perceptions on aging in S. Korea, Thailand, Singapore and Japan/IAGG 2019(11th International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics Asia/Oceania Regional Congress)/2019/10/23-27
Image lightness conversion and sharpening taking account of visual features of elderly person/Proc. of 2019 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP2019), pp.4709-4713/2019/09/25
Image enhancement with lightness correction considering human visual characteristics/Proc. of 2019 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP2019), pp.148-151, 2019/2019/03/05
韓国・タイ・シンガポール・日本の大学生の高齢者イメージ 第28回日本家族社会学会大会 2018/09/08
An application of food image enhancement method by using region selection in RGB color space/Proc. of 2017 International Workshop on Smart info-Media Systems in Asia (SISA2017), pp.83-86/2017/09/07
高齢者イメージにみるステレオタイプとそれを揺さぶる情報源 - 日韓の大学生が抱くステレオタイプのバリエーション -/日本老年社会科学会第59回大会/2017/06/16
栄養学科の一授業における取り組みを通じた学習効果を高めるための授業方法の検討 第63回日本栄養改善学会学術総会 2016/09/09
人間の視覚特性を考慮した画像強調のための明度補正と色域調整 電子情報通信学会技術報告, SIS2015-61, pp.75-80 2016/03/11
Lightness transform method considering visual feature of elderly person/Proc.of 2015 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS2015), pp.62-65/2015/11/10
A color transfer method with lightness correction based on Helmholtz-Kohlrausch effect/Proc. of 2015 International Workshop on Smart info-Media Systems in Asia (SISA2015), pp.175-179/2015/08/28
栄養学科教育課程の実験科目におけるグループ学習とeラーニングシステムの効果について 第11回日本栄養改善学会中国支部学術総会 2015/07/05
Saturation adjustment of color image while preserving hue in RGB color space/Proc. of 2014 Int. Workshop on Smart info-Media Systems in Asia (SISA2014), pp.20-23/2014/10/09
RGB色空間におけるカラー画像の色相保存彩度調整法 電子情報通信学会技術報告, SIS2013-63, pp.43-46 2014/03/06
カラー画像のガンマ補正による色相保持彩度調整法 第18回日本知能情報ファジィ学会中国・四国支部研究会予稿集, pp.55-56 2013/12/21
Trilateral filter using rank order information of pixel value for mixed Gaussian and impulsive noise removal/Proc.of 2013 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communications Systems (ISPACS2013), pp.303-306/2013/11/13
輝度値の順序統計量を用いたロバストトリラテラルフィ ルタ 電子情報通信学会技術報告, SIS2012-59, pp.75-78 2013/03/07
聴覚末梢系モデルから抽出した耐雑音性をもつスペクトル情報 第45回人間工学会中国・四国支部大会講演論文集, pp.138-139 2012/12/15
Mixed noise removal using hybridization bilateral filter and switching median filter/Proc. of 2012 International Workshop on Smart info-Media Systems in Asia (SISA2012), pp.20-23/2012/09/07
Speaker identification in noisy environment with use of the precise model of the human auditory system/Proc. of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists (IMECS2012), pp.92-95/2012/03/16
スイッチングメディアンフィルタに基づいたロバスト自 己クロスバイラテラルフィルタ 電子情報通信学会技術報告, SIS2011-64, pp.61-66 2012/03/01
話者識別における耐雑音性をもつ聴覚末梢系モデル 第16回日本知能情報ファジィ学会中国・四国研究会予稿集, pp.21-26 2011/12/23
Plaque classification using sparse features of IVUS RF signal for the diagnosis of arteriosclerosis/Proc. of International Conference on Applied Computer and Applied Computational Science (ACACOS2011), pp.99-103/2011/03
Application of peripheral auditory model to speaker identification/Proc. of World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing (NABIC2010), pp.673-678/2010/12/17
Tissue characterization of coronary plaque by sparse coding with use of intravascular ultrasound method/Proc. of 2009 International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing (NCSP2009), pp.388-391/2009/03
Feature extraction and signal reconstruction of air and bone conduction voices by independent component analysis/Proc. of International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists (IMECS2008), pp.55-59/2008/03
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Artistic activities, etc.
Internal research grants
彩度と明度の関係を考慮した色相保存彩度調整によるカラー画像強調 2014
輝度値の順序統計量を用いた画像からの混合雑音除去に関する研究 2013
スイッチングメディアンフィルタに基づくロバストバイラテラルフィルタ 2012
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Other grants
Research cooperation among industry, academia and government
Other activities
Academic society affiliations
Community engagement
Public committees, etc.
Private sector activities
Public work (education)
Lecturer (community outreach)
International exchange activities
Other activities
Awards & honors
Media activities
Special reports